
My Worksheets C2 (A Book Of Activities)
February 17, 2020
Hindi Writing A
February 17, 2020

My worksheets C3 (A Book Of Activities)



SKU: ISBN 978-93-88576-16-1 Category:

There are lots of games and activities you can do with your child to get them developing speaking, listening and writing skills, building vocabulary, counting and other early literacy and numeracy skills. Most important of all, these ideas are great fun!
Keeping that in mind, we have developed these integrated worksheets, three for each level. These activities cover English, Mathematics and Hindi topics in frolic way. These activities include simple letter-sounds, words, numbers, logic mazes, and much more that will keep the child’s brain active over the holidays.
These activities has been carefully planned to encourage the pre-schooler to develop an interest and enthusiasm for undertaking activities provided in worksheet. It is expected that these activity worksheets need to be appreciated in a spirit of fun. Enjoyment in the activities is essential if we want our children to grow up valuing learning through books and reading. These activity books will help pre-schoolers in shape recognition, writing coordination and many other experience and skills essential for success in early learning.