
Rhymes 0
February 18, 2020
Rhymes B
February 18, 2020

Rhymes A


Sing and Play
(A Book of English and Hindi Rhymes)

SKU: ISBN – 978-81-939143-9-7 Category:

Sing and Play involves listening, singing, saying, moving and playing together at school, at home, or anywhere. Sing and Play tunes children’s brains to emotional, physical, social and intellectual learning.
We develop a sense of self and self-expression through reciprocal Sing and Play. We learn to relate and communicate with others.
The simplest nursery rhyme contains many musical elements such as pulse/beat, timing, melody/tune, dynamics/loud and soft , pauses, phrasing, form/ beginning, middle and end. As Teachers/Parents and children regularly share a repertoire of nursery rhymes and songs, this repertoire becomes a part of the child’s own musical expression and language.
Sing and Play gives meaning to everyday tasks and routines. All children can develop their strengths and talents through Sing and Play. A nurturing, playful environment is all important to the development of creativity and holistic learning. Music becomes an organizing factor, helping children to listen, anticipate, remember and follow the beginning, middle and end of a sung instruction.